Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Portland Headlight

The Visit: On April 2nd I visited Portland Headlight in Cape Elizabeth. Located on the corner rocks of Fort Williams, this world famous lighthouse sits trash free and proud. When I visited it was a bit cold and very windy so I didn't venture too much around the park. But being there many times before I can say that it is a beautiful place to visit and the magnificence of the lighthouse is not one to be missed.
Historical Significance: Built in 1791, Portland Headlight is the oldest lighthouse in Maine. Constructed under the command of George Washington, the lighthouse was to be built using materials from local fields and shores so that the cost would not be too high. Throughout its many years of being in service it has gone through numerous reconstructions and keepers. One of the most famous lighthouse keepers being Joshua Strout, who was Maine's oldest keeper
 when he retired at 79 years old. Today the lighthouse has an automated light instead of a whale oil lamp so the job of lighthouse keeper is no longer a necessity. But it still acts as a vital protector of the harbor and has been visited by countless people from all over the world.

Resources: Wikipedia:,   Portland Head Lighthouse History:,   

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