Monday, April 1, 2013

Preserve America: Camden, Maine

The Visit: On January 26th I also visited the town of Camden, Maine. This town has been dubbed as a Preserve America Community and represents the historical preservation that Maine cherishes in many of its towns. There are no fast food restaurants with no drive throughs and only a few big name gas stations. The town has relatively clean streets and has restored several historical places so that they can be used for the community while also keeping their historic charm. There is a sense of local pride for its cultural and natural heritage and it makes Camden a lovely town to take a walk through.

Historical Significance: Camden is one of 12 Preserve America Communities in Maine, Portland being another. To be given this award the community must "protect and celebrate their heritage, use their historic assets for economic development and community revitalization, and encourage people to experience and appreciate local historic resources through education and heritage tourism programs."(Preserve America) Maine is a state that emphasizes the importance of keeping its rustic qualities while using those qualities as assets for means of income, primarily in tourism. But what separates Maine from many other states is that this preserving of communities and landmarks was not only for the economic benefit. It created a sense of pride in which Mainers can proudly show their appreciation for their State's history. Towns like Camden and Portland have demonstrated these cultural values that many Maine residents believe in by becoming Preserve America Communities.

Resources: Preserve America:,  Maine Preservation:

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